Buddy Lee Resents

turninology for a fresh century

A quick note, here: we urge you to work the following terms into your web pages and everyday speech. Communicate the FAL way. But we must strictly inform you that some of these words have been in our publications for years, so banish those unworthy thoughts of stealing the credit for you or yours.
Conversely, we're not out to steal anyone else's thunder. If you know of an earlier source for one of these entries, kindly let us know.
We thank you.
A person who forgos social respectability and financial success in order to further advance his/her creative expression.

Audible Sound
A sonic technique by which certain frequencies are detectable by the unaided human ear.

Acronym for "Buddy" Lee international media publications, FAL's foster parent company.

A son, less talented, intelligent, likable or successful than his father. Most often used in hypothetical conversation. Example: Who's the new boss, Brian Hitler?.

A measurement of computer memory equal to a gazillion gigabytes.

The tireless study of cartoon production, cartoonists, techniques and cultural impact of cartoon art. The name of a career cartoonist's course taught by Erik Lobo of FAL

Depicting a human or animal in ways that increase the subject's resemblance to a cartoon character. See Jim Carrey. (cp. comechomorphizing, toward traits found in comech books or strips).

Comics assembled and colored by mechanical means, originally developed by FAL Studios.

Comics that self-destruct.

FAL's trade-secret formula for assembling and colorizing cover elements for print.

FAL's electronically tabulated survey of our approval of things, ideas and cultural icons.

CTG Marketing
Cradle-To-Grave Marketing. Phrase coined by Buddy Lee and adopted by many corporations especially DSC's. An example of successfull CTG Marketing, Client begins life wearing Muppet Babies diapers, in his old age draws his last breath in Muppet Babies diapers and every other need in between is tied to products with Muppets on them.

To corner a person you do not know very well and make small talk by relating a gory, disgusting or otherwise inappropriate story. Example: He daved me in the elevator. He just started talking about a butcher who threw up in the ground beef. Usually the daver has a dull, uninteresting life and is trying to impress and surprise the davee.

Double Secret Corporation, A company controlled by the LOOP that usually owns two or more competing or opposite organizations. Most of their motivations, services and alliances are unknown to the general public. Example: A DSC that controls a national dental association may also manufacture and promote sugary sweets.

The elimination of functionality and meaning in consumer goods as planned by the LOOP CoDeprocessor.

This acronym originally stood for Filmmaker At Large before the death of modern cinema. Today, this infamous group of media renegades is most often named this acronym alone. (also: FAL studios, FAL.net, FAL productions, FAL Labs, FAL Brands and FAL Comechs)

A word used to describe a cumbersome, klunky, salvage cluttered vision of the future. Often used to descibe the post apocolyptic aventures of FAL's Nuke Nova.

To bring shame to a classic work, story or film by making it resemble the work of Home Alone mastermind John Hughes (see 101 Dalmations, Flubber, Weird Science, Miracle on 34th Street, Dennis the Menace).

Methods used to adjust script, actors and production values to make an Irwin Allen film more financially viable.

It's The Beef Of The Future
A slogan from Buddy Lee's ostrich meat marketing venture.

Art or writing that looks Japanese without actually being Japanese.

Jive Turkey Day
The Kwanza of Thanksgiving.

Lactose Intolerant Robo-Karate Stock Film Footage Force. A group of teenage superheroes assembled from old TV shows to make Buddy Lee a very rich media mogul.

A secret world government that perpetuates chaos, crime and human ugliness to profit their Double Secret Corporations. The symbol of this evil brotherhood is the double helix.

LOOP CoDeprocessor
A stupor-computer that observes trends, then calculates the undermining of art and culture to maximize The LOOP's profits.

Misfortune Cookies
A fortune cookie with a rude, irreverant or mildly annoying message inside. First FAL appearence: FAL Brand Funny Pages #1.

More Humor Than Humor
An alternative motto for FAL Studios that echoes More Human than Human, the motto of the Tyrell Android Corporation in the film Blade Runner.

Multi-Media presentation that is consistantly inconsistant. A Random patchwork of high and low tech.

The science of proper humor, as created by skilled artisans; a holistic methodology of treatment for conformist thought patterns, pioneered by FAL Labs.

A production translatable into all major media forms.

A person, usually male, possessing software proficiency concurrent with low-life history and tendencies (e.g. drug addiction, motorcycle clubs and/or prison).

The Plague
An omnimedia infection of living ideas created by FAL Labs to defeat The LOOP.

Pulp Diction
A gritty, devil-may-care writing style designed to titillate the reader. By design, contains little or no literary merit and often emulates 50's pulps. Name of section in FAL Brand Funny Pages.

The process of refining, revising, redefining and reengineering Neurohygenic thought.

The more talented, intelligent, likable or successful brother. Most often, the term is often used in hypothetical conversation(example: Who's that actor, Ridley Baldwin?).

A placid, self-satisfied state of mind after the comsumption of professionally produced satire.

Screaming Planet
FAL's Logo. A world with a pained cartoon grimace.

A quantum shift between our current reality and an alternate one. Slips can sometimes be sensed by Artdorks, Outlawnerds and pets.

Soapy Pet
A bar of soap in use that seemingly grows hair.

Textual harassment
Excessive editing of ordered words, particularly to make them safer or less unusual.

...And Then A Plane Crashed
Sarcastic comment that implies that previous statements are poorly concieved or contrived. Inspired by writing from the short lived FOX series Strange Luck. In particular an episode in which the hero, Chance, is spared from an wrongful death in an electric chair by a plane crashing into nearby power lines.

The least talented, intelligent, likable or successful brother. Most often, the term is often used in hypothetical conversation(example: Who directed that movie, Tony Lucas?).

We're Making Quality Obsolete
Motto for FAL brand Funny Pages.

A retorical question that follows a the statement of a dubious or ridiculous fact. The name of an FAL parody of Ripley's Believe It Or Not.

New Slang used to describe or apreciate something that does not conform. (Cool is dead. That word has been used up by Madison Avenue men and Soccermoms and no longer means anything.) Wrong is the only word that will always be truely countercultural. Example: That nosering is totally wrong!

S'More to come...


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This page was updated on February 3, 2000
Copyright © MCMXVII, MM FAL,
All rights reserved.